Visit Candy Island on Sunset Beach
Posted On Friday, May 24, 2013
Sunset Properties welcomes Candy Island to Sunset Beach starting this summer. The shop is owned by Nick and Tracey Gavrilis, and they've done a terrific job renovating the building over the winter. Those of you that use to walk in it as customers of the Odom Company won't recognize the interior any longer!
The shop offers bulk candy and other fun treats for the entire family. The owners have also taken over the Sunset Slush operation in the building, and you can now order either from the porch deck, or inside the shop.
Bright, clean, and colorful inside and out; we're thinking this is going to be a hit this summer for vacationers. So make some time to stop by while you are on the island.
Candy Island is a new shop on Sunset Beach this summer offering both bulk candy and Sunset Slush. |
Check out the custom candy boat display when you are down on vacation! |
You'll be surprised at the selection of 'old favorites' in this shop. |
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