Out of the Ordinary Packing List

Out of the Ordinary Packing List
As you begin to count down the days until your beach vacation, you probably make a list of the items you need to pack, a bathing suit, flip flops, sunscreen, a beach towel, etc. Here is a list of some items you may not think to pack, but you’ll be glad you did.
A photo mat for a picture frame – Get everyone who went on your trip to sign it during the week, then get a picture of everyone together to frame with it once you return home. Keep the memory of your trip alive until next time!
Baby Powder – Are you jumping in the car directly from a walk on the beach? Sprinkle baby powder on your feet and then wipe it off. It will remove that sticky residual sand.
A brightly colored or unique flag or beach umbrella – If you have swimmers or walkers in your group, give them a landmark to spot from the water. Put up a brightly colored flag or a unique umbrella where you’ll be sitting for the day, this will help swimmers find their way back after playing in the waves.
Baby Wipes - nothing is worse than grabbing a snack on the beach with your hands covered in sand.
Travel Board Games and a deck of cards –Can provide family fun and entertainment during a rainy day or in the evenings.
Reusable water bottles – much cheaper than plastic and keeps trash off the beach.
Extra trash bags – A heavy duty trash bag is a multi-use beach tool, it works for trash and hauling back sandy beach toys or wet beach towels.
An old sheet – line the trunk of your car with an old bed sheet before heading back home. Put all of your beach equipment on top of the sheet, after unloading your car you can just shake the sand off and wash it.
We hope we have given you some helpful ideas of things to pack for your next beach vacation. If you have tips and tricks to share, we’d love to hear about them! Feel free to leave them in the comments below.
See you at the beach!